Mednarodno društvo za preučevanje mesojedih rastlin (ICPS) predlaga dan, posvečen promociji mesojedih rastlin po vsem svetu. Izbrani datum je 5. maj. Na ta datum naj bi botaniki, gojitelji, zbiralci in drugi ljubitelji mesojedih rastlin namenili ozaveščanju prebivalcev z posredovanjem svojega znanja o teh rastlinah. Pripravili bomo fotografske natečaje, video konference in druge prireditve.
Tisti, ki imate tudi oblikovalno žilico, ste vabljeni k oblikovanju logotipa za ta projekt.
Originalno vabilo k sodelovanju:
World Carnivorous Plant Day
World Carnivorous Plant Day was first brought to the attention of the ICPS Board of Directors in 2020 by Krzysztof Banaś of Poland. Krzysztof envisioned a day that brought carnivorous plants into the spotlight of public awareness and education.
The ICPS is proud to promote this day which will be the first Wednesday of May (May 5th, 2021). To feature these wonderful plants, the ICPS will be hosting a number of online events. These include a photo contest and a FREE web-based conference featuring a global selection of botanists, horticulturalists, and other enthusiasts invited to share their knowledge of and experiences with carnivorous plants from all over the world in a universally accessible way.
In lieu of the in-person international conference, which was scheduled for 2021, World Carnivorous Plant Day 2021 will serve as the preeminent event of the year regarding carnivorous plants. This daylong web event will stand in for the delayed ICPS conference. The conference has been rescheduled for Japan in 2022.
If you are interested in participating as a contributing speaker for World Carnivorous Plant Day, you can contact
Design a logo for World Carnivorous Plant Day.
Submit your proposed WCPD logo to in a high resolution jpeg format by February 12th. The winner(s) will receive a free t-shirt with the logo.