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Pridružen/-a: 01.12. 2008, 16:25 |
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Kraj: Trzin |
Objavljeno: 26 Avg 2013 15:50 |
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Unfortunately and begrudgingly I have no choice but to offer my whole collection for sale, due to personal circumstances which I have no control over.
I will sell all plants at whatever price I paid or similar I do not wish to make any profit just enough to cover my costs and get my money back.
I can supply pictures and everything on my grow list is for sale and there are many plants that are not on there which are also for sale.
I have 4 outdoor bog gardens and containers full of plants too which will also be up for sale.
If you are interested in any or have any questions please PM me and I will get back to you.
DIONAEA MUSCIPULA 'Akai Ryu' aka Red Dragon (Little shop of horrors, 2010) (Easy Carnivores, 2010)
'B52' (JB, 2010) (LJ, 2010) (ME, 2011)
'Big Mouth' (JB, 2010) (Little shop of horrors, 2010)
'Bohemian Garnet' aka Red Sawtooth (JB, 2010)
'Cupped Trap' (LJ, 2010)
'Fused Tooth' (LJ, 2010)
'Red Burgundy' (LJ, 2010)
'Red Piranha' (LJ, 2010)
'Royal Red' (LJ, 2010)
'Sawtooth' (LJ, 2010)
Big Vigorous (LJ, 2010)
Burbanks Best
Cross Teeth (LJ, 2010)
Dentate (LJ, 2010) (JB, 2010)
Finetooth X Red
G14 / Dirk Ventham's Giant (AC, 2010)
Low Giant (LJ, 2010)
Purple Giant (LJ, 2010)
Red Fused Petioles (LJ, 2010)
Shark Teeth (LJ, 2010)
South West Giant (LJ, 2010)
Spider (LJ, 2010)
Trichterfalle / Funnel Trap (LJ, 2010)
Upright (PJ Plants, 2010)
Heterodoxa (PJ Plants, 2010)
Cerbere (Guillaume, 2010)
Microdent (Guillaume, 2010) (MG, 2011)
Alien (Guillaume, 2010)
Coquillage (Guillaume, 2010) (MG, 2011)
Giant Peach (Trauts, 2011)
Schupenstiel (Guillaume, 2010)
Fondue (Guillaume, 2010)
Tiger Fang (ME, 2011) (MG, 2011)
Giant upright
Dingley giant (MB, 2011)
Spotty (Guillaume, 2010)
VFT Z11 (giant clone) BCP (Chappers, 2011)
H09 (very arced traps) BCP (Chappers, 2011)
Fuzzy tooth (Johan, 2011)
Green Wizard (Johan, 2011)
Jaws Smiley (Johan, 2011)
Yellow fused/fuzzy tooth
Wacky traps
Chunky (nbtx, 2011)
Dent stress (nbtx, 2011)
Dracula (nbtx, 2011)
Mirror (castor123456, 2013)
Dark red form (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
Dracula (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
Yellow fused tooth (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
F12 BCPs (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
G6 (Ian Salter, 2013)
All Green (Ian Salter, 2013)
Bristle Tooth (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
G16 (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
Green Sawtooth (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
Hybrid A Plantev (EEE 2007) (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
Sandokan (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
UK Sawtooth II (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
Red Shark Teeth (Paolo Mattevi, 2013)
Typical (CC, 2010) (PJ Plants, 2010) (Hampshire carnivores, 2011)
Dark Clone
Dark purple pitchers
French variant very dark pitchers (MG, 2011)
Marstons Exotics Clone (JP, 2010)
Big Boy (JP, 2010)
Dudley Watts (LJ, 2010)
German Giant (LJ, 2010)
Hummers Giant (JB, 2010)
Adrian Slack
Black Black Clone (Wexi,2013)
Crimson (PJ, 2010)
Giant Clone (unknown origin produces largest pitchers in my collection)
Giant Typical (C01) (Veek, 2013)
Triffid Albany Black Clone (Luis Aragon, 2013)
Queen Mary (Luis Aragon, 2013)
Phil Mann clone (Ada, 2013)
Various seed grown
S. Alata
S. Alata red tube
S. Alata Black tube De-soto Mississippi (Andy, 2011)
S. Alata black tube seed grown
S. Alata Red Lid, De Soto, Louisiana
S. Alata Red lid (LB, 2010)
S. flava var flava
S. flava giant robust form, huge fat pitchers and lids
S. flava var MK F32 Very large form (Chappers, 2011)
S. flava var maxima F11 (Andy, 2011)
S. flava var maxima nr Columbia SC (Ian Salter, 2013)
S. flava var maxima, Shands Bog, Virginia (Ian Salter, 2013)
S. flava var rugelii MK F18 Giant robust clone (MK, 2013)
S. flava var rugelii MK F157 Big lip giant W,AM (MK, 2013)
S. flava var rugelii Milton, Fl. PW F06 (Alexa, 2013)
S. flava var rugelii MK F140A Telogia, FL.(WS). Very large from (MK, 2013)
S. flava var rugelii giant form Apalachicola National Forest
S. flava var rugelii seed grown
S. flava var rugelii large form from Alan Hindle MK F100 (MK, 2011)
S. flava var rugelii MK F53 Milton FL Clone 6 ( Chappers, 2011)
S. flava var ornata MK F88 Solid red throat with diffused veins around neck, Apalachicola National Forest (Pascul Kulms, 2013)
S. flava var ornata MK F47 Heavily veined upper pitchers turning to an all red plant, very heavily veined inner pitcher hood (MK, 2010)
S. flava ornata/rubricorpora Wewahitchika (Suzy Jenner, 2013)
S. flava ornata eastern Apalachicola (ada, 2013)
S. flava var ornata Apalachicola Forest Florida (PB, 2011)
S. flava var ornata superornata seed grown (ME, 2011)
S. flava var ornata Miramar Beach Fl (Alexa, 2013)
S. flava var ornata/rubricorpora integrade red tube very elegant tall pitchers Marston Exotics 1992 MK F63 (ada, 2013)
S. flava var cuprea copper top Green Swamp (Suzy, 2013)
S. flava var cuprea MK f90 (ada, 2013)
S. flava var cuprea MK F62 Copper lidded form Red lidded (MK, 2010)
S. flava var cuprea FCU01 PJ Plants (Ian Salter, 2013)
S. flava var cuprea MK F230, PW F69 Red Bronze, Santee Coastal Reserve (Alexa, 2011)
S. flava var atropurpurea MK F174 Marston Exotics, 1999 (MK, 2011)
S. flava var atropurpurea MK F27C All red form, Blackwater River State Forest (MK, 2013)
S. flava var atropurpurea MK F27a all red form Blackwater River State Forest (ada, 2013)
S. flava var atropurpurea all red form
S. flava var atropurpurea Exum, N.C, Don Schnell clone PW F01 (Alexa, 2013)
S. flava var atropurpurea Don Schnell clone MK F124 (Suzy, 2011)
S. flava var atropurpurea blackwater location all red form (Ada, 2011)
S. flava var atropurpurea blackwater florida (ME, 2011)
S. flava var rubricorpora apalachicola Florida location
S. flava var rubricorpora Sumatra North Florida PJP FRUB03 (LB, 2010)
S. flava var rubricorpora MK F45 Purple Tube Milton Florida very dark red in full sun (Chappers, 2011)
S. flava var rubricorpora Apalachicola Forest Florida (PB, 2011)
S. flava var rubricorpora cv Burgundy (SF05c) Slack – ex Oxford University Field Centre
S. flava var rubricorpora MK F26 burgundy Slack original (Suzy, 2011)
S. flava var rubricorpora MK F21 Giant Red Tube Apalachicola National Forest Tall maroon pitchers and
deep colouration to the lid (MK, 2011)
S. flava var rubricorpora Red tube MK F19 Apalachicola National Forest (Chappers, 2011)
S. flava var rubricorpora Claret MK F25C This particular plant clone came from Mike Brooks who received it off
Adrian Slack himself (MK, 2011)
S. flava var rubricorpora MK F22 var Giant red tube MK rugellii style throat patch (ada, 2013)
S. flava var rubricorpora MK F234 Apalachicola National Forest (ada, 2013)
S. flava all red florida location
S. flava red tube form original plant from bazgoodman (Flycatchers, 2010)
S. flava giant red tube Hampshire CP clone (Chappers, 2011)
S. leucophylla (AS, 2010)
S. leucophylla Tarnok (MK L55) (MK, 2013)
S. leucophylla MK L25 Red & white Plant has a red peristome (MK, 2010)
S. leucophylla Deer park Washington county Alabama L04, SL38 (LB, 2010)
S. leucophylla Buntings original stocky wide mouth red lip L2 (LB, 2010)
S. leucophylla MK L20 Baldwin (Trauts, 2011)
S. leucophylla MK L4 Schnells Ghost L01 (LB, 2010)
S. leucophylla red seed grown beautifully coloured (LB, 2010)
S. leucophylla MK L18, PW L02 large pink nectar roll, giant pink lip Apalatchicola National Forest (Alexa, 2011)
S. leucophylla MK L49A, PW L07 Red/pink tube, Perdido (Alexa, 2011)
S. leucophylla MK L45 Perdido, AL. Green & white top, W, (SM) (MK, 2013)
S. leucophylla MK L46A Green, anthocyanin free form Bill Scholl original (MK, 2013)
S. leucophylla MK L64 red & white form with a red lip, Stocky autumn pitchers (MK, 2011)
S. leucophylla MK L48B Hot pink selections 2 Botanique (MK, 2011)
S. leucophylla MK L36 Ben's Bog Baldwin Co (MK, 2011)
S. leucophylla L09 Gas station site peridio (Andy, 2011)
S. leucophylla L07 (Andy, 2011)
S. leucophylla L48 Pensacola Fields, FL (Andy, 2011)
S. leucophylla L17 red tube, Hosford (Alexa, 2012)
S. Minor var okefenokeensis Okefenokee Giant (MK, 2011)
S. Minor (AS, 2010)
S. Minor var Okeefenensis
S. Oreophila Heavily veined form plant from Hampshire CP, wide pitchers (Chappers, 2011)
S. Oreophila Purple throat, heavy-veined
S. Oreophila red lip heavy veined
S. Oreophila De Kalb Co
S. psittacina Gulf Coast Giant Apalachicola National Forest (MK, 2011)
S. psittacina Apalachicola Forest, Florida (PB, 2011)
S. purpurea seed grown wide mouth chunky pitchers, starts out yellow no green then deep red.
S. purpurea subsp venosa var burkii
S. purpurea var purpurea
S. rubra RG9 subsp. gulfensis Green, Yellow River, Florida (MK, 2010)
S. rubra RR1 subsp. rubra Taylor Co (MK, 2010)
S. x moorei Adrian Slack MK H113 (MK, 2013)
S. x moorei Welsh Dragon (Ian Salter, 2013)
S. x moorei white clone
S. x moorei H35 (Andy, 2011)
S. x moorei (Marstons) H106 (Andy, 2011)
S. x moorei Elizabeth (Ian Salter, 2013)
S. x moorei Marstons Exotics 1987 clone MK H24 (lowi, 2011)
S. x moorei MK H61 All red clone (MK, 2010)
S. x moorei Marstons select MK H8 (H101) (Andy, 2011)
S. x moorei Brooks Hybrid
S. x moorei Brooks Hybrid Huge vigorous plant from Triffid Nurseries (Chappers, 2011)
S. x moorei Brooks Hybrid x flava var ornata (LB, 2010)
S. x moorei Brooks Hybrid x dark all red catesbaei
S. x Lynda Butt MK H10 (MK, 2011)
S. x Diane Whittaker MK H2 (MK, 2011)
S. x Judith Hindle MK H37 (MK, 2013)
S. x Dana’s Delight MK H109 (MK, 2013)
S. x exornata Peaches MK H148 (Suzy Jenner, 2013)
S. x oreophila Sand Mountain x flava all red Blackwater (3) (Suzy Jenner, 2013)
S. x flava Red tube x alata Red tube (All red) MK H26 (MK, 2011)
S. x leucophylla x excellens (LB, 2010)
S. x areolata x alata black tube (LB, 2010)
S. x ahlesii (LB, 2010)
S. x moorei marston clone melanorhoda (LB, 2010)
S. x Juthatip Soper
S. x Excellens (Flycatchers, 2010)
S. x leucophylla yellow flower,russel rd x s.leucophylla "white top" perdido red flower ex S.McPherson (Ada, 2011)
S. x leucophylla giant purple/white x giant pink lip seedlings (ada, 2013)
S. x flava rubicorpora burgundy open pollinated (Suzy,2011)
S. x leucophylla russel red x leuco white top perido (Suzy,2011)
S. x leucophylla purple/white x leuco giant pink lip (Suzy,2011)
S. x alata rayburn co x flava claret (Suzy,2011)
S. x flava copper top green swamp x purpurea venosa var burkei (Suzy,2011)
S. x flava cuprea exum open pollinated (Suzy,2011)
S. x flava atropurpurea blackwater state F502 x F508
S. x flava rubicorpora apalachicola florida x flava rubicorpora don schnell clone
S. x flava cuprea x maxima north carolina
S. x leucophylla x S.moorei H134 (Andy, 2011)
S. x Walkers Hybrid x S.flava 'red tube' H111 (Andy, 2011)
S. x areolata (Pubescent) x S.leucophylla H100 (Andy, 2011)
S. x Kimber red ruffles open pollinated MK F195 20 seedlings (Suzy Jenner, 2013)
S. x leuco giant pink lip x leuco giant purple and white (ada, 2013)
S. x leuco stan lampard x leuco conecuh wild seed (ada, 2013)
S. x Leuco citronelle hybrids stefan lenssen (ada, 2013)
S. x leuco bear lake hybrids (ada, 2013)
S. x leuco short pitcher stefan lenssen (ada, 2013)
S. x leuco Milton stefan lenssen (ada, 2013)
S. x leuco white top x leuco AF L46A (ada, 2013)
S. x leuco red deer park x leuco AF L46A (ada, 2013)
S. x flava Claret x autropurpurea
S. x moorei red tube x flava var autropurpurea
Various unnamed hybrids in bog garden
Various named seeds/seedlings
Typical form (seed grown)
Large vigorous form (seed grown)
All green (seed grown)
Nutans (Hampshire carnivores, 2011)
Nutans Giant (JB, 2011)
Heterodoxa x Nutans (CC, 2010)
Heterodoxa x ionsai (SM, 2013)
N. Truncata pasian highland red (Lowii, 2011)
N. Rajah (CZ, 2010)
N. Lady Pauline (ME, 2011)
N. Jamban (CM, 2011)
N. Truncata Queen of hearts x King of spades seed grown (BE, 2011)
N. Princess (ventricosa x mira) (BE, CFS 2011)
N. Spathulata x Gymnamphora (BE, CFS 2011)
N. Helen Mirren (spathulata x spectabilis) (BE, CFS 2011)
N. Bill Bailey (ventricosa x singalana) (BE, CFS 2011)
N. Truncata highland (Hampshire Carnivorous plants, 2010)
N. Sanguinea black Jack (Easy Carnivores, 2010)
N. Rebecca soper
P. Grandiflora Rosea (Ian Salter, 2011) (ada, 2011)
P. Grandiflora Rosea x P Vallisneriifolia
P. Grandiflora Rosea Aymerics clone (ada, 2011)
P. Grandiflora Pallida (ada, 2011)
Gigantea x Moctezumae (SM, 2010)
P. Sculii
Rio Ara
Corsica Mt. Cinto
Balcanica type red
D. binata T form
D. binata red form
D. binata dichotoma giant (Ian Salter, 2013)
D. binata multifida extrema (Ian Salter, 2013)
D. binata Otaki Forks NZ (Ian Salter, 2011)
D. binata var multifida (Johan, 2011)
D. Marston Dragon (Johan, 2011)
D. capensis typical
D. capensis alba
D. capensis all red form
D. nidiformis
D. rotundifolia
D. intermedia
D. anglica
D. filiformis ssp filiformis
D. x hybrida (filiformis X intermedia)
D. regia (Chappers, 2011)
D. madagascariensis
D. filformis seed grown
U. sandersonii
U. livida (Zlatokrt, 2011)
U. lateriflora (Zlatokrt, 2011)
U. bisquamata "Bettys bay" (Zlatokrt, 2011)
U. tridentata (Zlatokrt, 2011)
U. dichotoma (Ian Salter, 2011)
U. longifolia (castor123456, 2013) |
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