Srečanje AICP 2023 |
Če bi koga zanimalo, bi samo sporočila spremembo datuma, saj bo meeting 10. in 11. Junija.
Administrator foruma
Žal je srečanje odpovedano. Vzrok so hude poplave. Navajam:
Dear Members and Friends, As you could have imagined, the tragedy that has befallen Emilia Romagna and Bagnacavallo, does not allow us to get together as we hoped for our annual meeting. Unfortunately, in this dramatic moment we cannot even think of holding an event that represents joy and conviviality. It wasn’t easy to take this decision but we’ve been forced to cancel the event on June 10th and 11th due to the fact that the emergency situation is still ongoing. We hope you all will understand and we hope that we will soon be able to realize if and when it’s possible to rearrange a meeting after this critical moment. We will keep you updated via website and social media as usual. In this moment we can only mourn with all Members who reside in flooded areas and send our deepest condolences to anyone who has lost an affection in this catastrophe. Hoping to see you again soon The AIPC Board |
Administrator foruma
Srečanje je po novem predvideno 8. in 9. oktobra na istem mestu. Za zdaj so prijavljeni naslednji prodajalci:
Green Jaws Stranger Plants (Daniele Righetti) Andrea Rivolta Francesco Giorgi Combriccola Carnivora |
Srečanje AICP 2023 |
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